Which symptom is associated with post traumatic stress disorder (PTSD)?
Correct answer: All three are correct

Player-T G 3503313
THC from POT has been my greatest relief

CBT has been my greatest relief

A closer relationship with God has helped me more than therapy or medication. I hope all affected by this find a path to peace that helps them.

Marijuana and my emotional support doggo Sassy - very effective treatments!

elephants have PTSD too 😥

CBD help me and talking

President Washington
I have multiple mental health issues, PTSD is the worst. I have my dog, I stay busy, and I take meds to keep the nightmares at arm's length. Everyday, how am I going to get through it.... just start doing something.

it's been re named to p.t.s.s. now syndrome rather than disorder !

Uninitialized, I still suffer 12 years after seeing my husband crushed to death

Whiskey numbs my flashback episodes better than any other method I've tried.

Wannabe Vulcan
carol, I'm so sorry.

I have heard that many people now suffer from PTSD, but don’t worry about it too much, because I will pray for them to recover quickly, thanks for the question

Player #49571903
display of question superimposed on another screen

PTSD with added Social Anxiety Disorder.. Just love my life 🥴🙄

Player #17510245
my answer was still correct

* Seshati *
CatCami, yeah I could see how this could be true coz an elephant never forgets lol I kinda think it’s true for most mistreated animals too.

Mama Crow
Player-T G 3503313, Viet Nam?

Player #5099592
LittleDucky52, try sunflower seeds. sleep

Homegrown for the win!!!