The Coat of Arms on the current flag of Mexico features what animal?
Correct answer: Eagle with snake

what's that sweet-faced animal in the pic? awww...💗

Gracious 7, so what is your point?

Player #1407874
so question should be what animals

I was on Holiday in Mexico a few years back and our guide told us the history behind the Eagle and the Snake, google it, it's cool!

Player #Meg
Trucker, you are confusing the word animal with mammal. Of course they are animals.

Goodbye Moonmen
DSDA, You forgot a comma after "...and beautiful writing".

ItchyGuitarist5108, Speaking on behalf of grammar Nazis, there are those of us for whom words and beautiful writing forms a large part of our lives. For some, it is their livelihood.

ces-letter, I'm think it is a French Brocar

Montana Lady
ces-letter, I think the picture is of a dik-dik (an African deer)

lol thx for the pic....

'Which animals', not 'what animal'. Quality control again......