What is reincarnation?
Correct answer: The rebirth of a soul in another body

stashio2020, indeed. I've been studying religious beliefs for 30 years and it never fails to fascinate me. Personally, I hold that "all paths lead up the same mountain."

RushMama2112, I like your analogy. As a funeral director, I've worked with all faiths and creeds and I believe that there is only one God, no matter what you call Him.

Brock (+ sometimes Pamo)
"if there is such a thing as reincarnation, knowing my luck, I'd come back as myself" Rodney Trotter, only fools and horses

Player #96919, it should be no more surprising to be born twice, than it was to have been born once! Voltaire said that, not I....

Maybe this is y sometimes we experience Deja vu. Hmmm

I dont like to come back again because in this world i expirence to much traitors and false humans.thats my expirence

beebee, some people believe you are Lily21 reincarnated

Focus I want to be a Pirate

if i were to be reincarnated,i would like to be a cockroach...definitely i will survive the apocalypse..

toe jam
the actress, shirley maclaine believes in this.

Player #3093136
for once the answer was the shortest out of the choices and not there longest.

RushMama2112, aw, I like that!!
thanks rushmama

RushMama2112, or down it

Player #Nonna
Doesn't exist

i touched 3rd option


Player #20016811
my classmate Sid when someone has birthmark they reincarnated

Catotan tayo

Beauty ,the sterilizer
Slowhandbh, tell us

Riddhi varshney
I love

I will come back yet again..this time as a dog

My experience is that every philosophical decipline, religious & otherwise, speaks to a power greater than ourselves - the reality of

I have seen that fire

Byrde Alpha Bitch
elizabeth bennett, Open up your heart & your mind. You might be surprised at what you will find.

Player #96919
beebee, I would like to believe it's possible but I doubt it