Which language group includes Irish, Welsh and Breton?
Correct answer: Celtic languages

On the ferry over to Dublin from Holyhead there was a table of men speaking Welsh next to us. Such a beautiful language!

Player #8258475
You wont hear Gaelic being spoken here in Ayrshire, unless someone wants to specifically learn it as a hobby. Scottish gaelic is more confined to the northern half of Scotland and contrary to popular belief was never the language of the whole country in general. Down here in the lowlands the language spoken was Scots/Lallans and it hasnt changed much. Think Rabbie Burns :) This is the reason its not pushed in schools etc - we didnt speak it so no point in reviving it.

I have heard Welsh spoken a lot in Wales but I don't think may Scots speak their own language I lived in Ayrshire for a while never heard it.

I am Irish yes right answer correct

Player #25874027
Isn’t Welsh also spoken in Patagonia?

luckycatfay, Ayrshire's language is typically the Scots "Lallans", and across the East into Fife you will hear Doric, also sometimes considered as another language.

Player #8258475, It's hard to pinpoint more accurately when it was present and when it petered out, but there were some communities in the Lowland areas that did speak Gaelic from the Alpin House of kings. Although, a lot of them did move from the Highlands to the Lowlands, and from the Lowlands to the Highlands. Scots developed as the official language around the 12th Century onwards. But the most detrimental effect for Scots, the Lallans and Gaelic languages, was the Disarmament Act 1746 which prohibited Gaelic and Scots language from being spoken in public, in schools, or used in any form of teaching or law.

RushMama2112, I could listen to the Welsh accent all day, it is lovely.

Player #15235098
They forgot to mention Cape Breton Island in Canada

Ayrton Einstein
"Bro Gymraeg" should be Y Fro Gymraeg, the b mutates to f , as does the c in Cymraeg to g

lovely language