What is 'trompe l'oeil'?
Correct answer: A visual illusion in art

Wiley Coyote also used this technique trying to trick the roadrunner by drawing a picture of a tunnel on the face of a rock. unfortunately for him, the roadrunner usually ran through the tunnel, or a train or truck came out squashing the coyote. Loved watching those cartoons growing up.

Used a lot in Italy on buildings they some times look fancy but it can be just paint giving the impression of light and shade.

That's the coolest thing I've ever seen. Would love to see it in person.

Mikki Irish
CyanJaguar62, My favorite artist and weird person

Dali did some amazing surrealist paintings in this style. Much more impressive than the melting watches.

I have seen some great ones in Montpellier, France.

I wish I could see😊