What was Elvis Presley's middle name?
Correct answer: Aaron

Elvis was named after his father, Vernon Elvis Presley and Mr. Presley's good friend in Tupelo, Aaron Kennedy. Aron was the spelling the Presleys chose, either it was a spelling mistake or apparently to make it similar to the middle name of Elvis' stillborn identical twin, Jesse Garon Presley.
Toward the end of his life, Elvis sought to change the spelling of his middle name to the traditional and biblical Aaron. In the process he learned that official state records had inexplicably listed it as Aaron, and not Aron as on his original birth records. Knowing Elvis' plans for his middle name, Aaron is the spelling his father chose for Elvis' tombstone, and it's the spelling his estate has designated as the official spelling when the middle name is used today. In Memphis, Elvis was enrolled in the eighth grade at Humes High School, as Elvis Aaron Presley.
Source: www.elvis.com.au
January 25, 2008

Player #JD9249185
thebigtabu, He had a twin who was stillborn, but he was fully developed.

Player #31974921
Correct spelling is Aron.

My mom liked him on when his specials came on an we would watch em. I liked the one he did in his black leathers. I was a kid than, an still dig that one special.

Player #10934972
Elvis's middle name is spelled Aron. It's even wrong on his gravestone.

Player #31974921, Yes. I was born and raised in Memphis. Elvis had a twin brother, Jessie Garon. Elvis’s middle name was Aron.

Nerak 7
It’s a tragedy that he died so young And his daughter passed at 54.. I have to say his Granddaughter Riley now 35 is doing a great job in keeping her Mom wishes .. she is a good actress as well.

what I heard was that Elvis was always helping needy people..and that he loved Gospel music. I believe he was very fond of children too.

Player #31974921, you said it before I could! Aron, one 'A'.

Player #67613911
Aaron is two a's

Aaron is my name!

I believe it was spelled Aron

Player #5100533
And, his middle name is spelled wrong on his grave marker.

Player #810147
Yay Elvis!

ZyggyStardust, thanks,that was bothering me too.

Player #14454580
Scottish Fraulein, you may not find him funny, but that doesn't mean he's ignorant. perhaps you're searching for some other word.

Elvis is alive

ZyggyStardust, it was misspelled on his tombstone too.

ZyggyStardust, You are absolutely right Zigman!

Player #9442102
ZyggyStardust, same name different spelling.

Greyghost 68
ZyggyStardust, his family was so poor, they could only afford one "a". lol

Player Meyer
ZyggyStardust, you are absolutely correct.