Which Brothers Grimm fairy tale features a cannibalistic witch living in a forest house?
Correct answer: Hansel and Gretel

Engelbert Humperdinck's manager came up with the new name Dorsey would, from that time forward, become known by. Engleburt Humperdinck, the same name as the late 19th century German composer and creator of the opera Hansel and Gretel. Without any protest, the singer bought into the idea. "I had no choice," he later said of his name change. "I was a starving singer, and someone was giving me a chance to get on in the business.

Laudy Miss Claudy
Player #12009156, Engelbert Humperdinck is just the stage name for singer Arnold Dorsey. And I have no idea why he chose that name.

Player #19261665
Laudy Miss Claudy, Engelbert Humperdinck was a famous classical composer. Thd singer just borrowed his name.

Player #12009156, They are not the same person, they are two different people.

Every time I see a ginger bread house especially popular at Christmas I think of this story not so cosy then!!!

luckycatfay, my maiden name is Grimm and the Grimm Brothers were ancestors of mine. I am a writer too and one of my poems got published!!!

Player #19261665
Davy, Livingston, No, the singer did NOT write that opera. The original Engelbert Humperdinck was a classical composer, and had passed away many years before Arnold Dorsey borrowed his name.

So that's where the singer got his name from!!

happydoghappycat, Its crazy that two people would have that crazy name, even if one was just a stage name!

new info for me.thanks

I love Hansel and gretel! That’s a good movie but scary to me!

Both the kids' plan to escape while leaving behind breadcrumbs didn't become successful. Because they were all got eaten by the birds.

I loved that story I could never forget it

Geez, I never thought of the witch as a cannibal. Not until I read this.

Player #11716652
Calvin, it's a horrible fairy tale!

all r tough

Player #18481547
"Ivica i Marica" in Serbian

Player #8963196
Player #1240373, that's a great idea! I wonder why they didn't think about that. Maybe they were luddites.

Miley cyrus
I am a famous singer and i know all of the nursery rhymes

Player #19495265
1 of my fav fairy tales

Player #19390738
eassyy agian

Player #19321291
If I was the kid I would have kept eating