Where are the shores of Tripoli?
Correct answer: Libya

Montana Lady
Eman 🎀, Tripoli was a beautiful city. It's difficult to see centuries of history and beauty destroyed in what was an instant by comparison & to know the human cost and suffering was so much greater.
Much love sent your way, to you and to all Libyans. I'm American but I work in the Middle East with mostly Arab nonprofits taking aid to refugees (in areas like Gaza).... so I know better than most that no one ever truly wins a war and that Libya's problems are nowhere near being over.

Lorraine4748, what about the American government supporting the blockade of food and medicine to Yemen which began 7 - 9 years ago contributing to the starvation of over 20 MILLION CIVILIANS & creating the world's worst humanitarian crisis since the Holocaust... up until recently we were fighting Al Qaeda there, but we've switched sides, so we're now also providing air support there which ASSISTS AL QAEDA!!!
Torture, drone strikes, invading foreign countries, provoking wars, regime change, torture, extraordinary rendition, extrajudicial executions. Our navy blew up an Iranian passenger jet. Make no mistake about it, in the Middle East the US is the terrorist. No government there has attacked us, they have only defended themselves from our agression.
The US has taken part in overthrowing or attempting to overthrow the legitimate rulers of almost every Middle Eastern country (including every democratically elected Middle Eastern government such as in Iran, Palestine & Egypt in recent years)... to either install brutal dictators more favorable to western interests than their own people's needs, or leaving power vacuums like in Iraq & Libya (which is still locked in a bloody war backed by Gulf and European money).
You really can't blame them for not wanting western interference, when it's never turned out well for them.

I want to thank all teachers. Though I was one of the worst students, somehow the information stuck! I hardly ever get an answer wrong, and I rarely use the “helps”. I know the answers because teachers kept teaching, even in chaotic classrooms!

jak bak, Why is it that so many people/countries think America is evil? America is often there, in countries besides our own, to help in humanitarian crises, natural disasters, etc. I'm no expert on world affairs, but I see things and I read things about it, just like a lot of people do. What about the muslim/islamic radicals in the Middle East and the communists in Asia/Russia and wherever else these people might be? The goal of both is world domination. You either do things their way or you die (if you don't get tortured first). That's evil.
What about the Middle Eastern ayatollahs who starved and gassed their own people in the streets of their own country? That's evil.
What about the Middle Eastern terrorists who came to America to learn how to fly jet airplanes so they could then fly them into buildings and kill thousands of innocent Americans? That's evil.
What about the students from other countries that come to America for education, which knowledge they then take back to benefit their home countries - is it OK for them to use America that way and then have the nerve to say they are offended by our flags flying at the schools they attend? They should recognize that we are proud of our flag and have the right to fly it, even around foreigners, just as they have the same right in their home countries.

Montana Lady, I commend what you are doing, but you have one fact wrong the palestinians are not refugees any more, the gaza strip is funded by UNRWA, an organisation committed to the permanent conitinuation of refugee status. Hardly any of the original "Arab/Jordanian" refugees now known as the Palestinians, which totals 500k appx are even around today! in fact UNRWA still funds their descendents to stay refugees, even though they have settled in this area, have homes get an education, can work or run businesses, get healthcare etc. this is not the definition of a refugee and they don't live in camps. If it wasn't for the terrorist Hamas and PA and PLFP etc. the Palestinians would be living i. peace with Israel, but they don't want peace they want to wipe it off the face of the earth.

izzymag, You are right. There's a city called Tripoli in Lebanon too, although it's not the capital... The word means three cities in Greek from "tri" meaning 3 and "polis" meaning city. 😊

Eman 🎀
My hometown

My city

catdavidson666, I don’t think Countries that have been helped by our Arm Forces would agree with you.

The greed of one family cause the fall of Tripoli, and the suffering of it's people.

Player #24622884
love the picture

Unali 58, 😠😠

There is a Tripoli city in Greece too!

Player #13023389
I have a hard time with the destruction of Tripoli. What a beautiful city now lying in a total mess. Debby

Nathan Jones
Eman 🎀, It would be nice if you could describe your hometown for us as It sounds interesting and sadly problomatic to visit from UK.

Player #3106732, I think there is a fairly large population of Christians in Tripoli. Am I right? Are they persecuted?

Player #2331803
sempre Fi!

the man is worth the point of vaĺue x

Don 36 ;-)
Hi update
Thank the people who are doing this for today so please send them back later today and I have send you some

funny..it sounded very Australian to me *s*.

Player #4427662
they both are near

I hate when I second guess myself! 😌

catdavidson666, ....see the person with 666 after their name. America is far more good than it is evil.

Mort, I was thinking the same thing. Always!!!

Ukraniac, I'm a teacher and happy to hear that.

Player #5494417
get a grip

Player #5494417
right on !

Player #1346520
Player Elf Counsel, I believe it's John Wayne, not Payne

Player Elf Counsel
clikwhiz, No. John Payne. I remember him well. Good actor. Very popular in this 40s.

Montana Lady, you seem to know everything "better than most".

Zell. I am a female
very interesting because I've never heard about this place

Player #3106732
Italian is the most spoken second language in Tripoli.

I have never seen the movie, which was made the year before I was born, but I have known the words to the Marines' Hymn since grammar school.