Where is the sun always positioned when you look at a rainbow?
Correct answer: Behind you

Joe D
At Niagara Falls (NY side) we went to "The Cave of the Winds". On the hurricane deck you are right next to the bottom of the Falls. There is so much water in the air from the spray that there are rainbows everywhere! As we approached, I thought it was so amazing I took a picture. Every 50 feet closer I had to take another one because it got more amazing! Finally, when we were actually on the deck, we saw a raincircle. It was too big to get a picture. Went from a few feet overhead and in front down to our feet.

A few years ago, I took my dogs out for a very early walk. As the sun rose, it created a beautiful full arc rainbow which was solely red in colour. I presumed that this was due to the fact that only that part of the spectrum was able to get through the thicker atmosphere at which the sunlight had to travel through.

Laudy Miss Claudy
I drove through a rainbow once.

I have seen not only double rainbows but sundog as well. Sundog refract thru ice crystals usually closer to the poles. But I saw mine in central Indiana, it was unbelievably spectacular, rainbows all around the sun.

Player Elf Counsel
Laudy Miss Claudy, Used to see triple rainbows where I lived as a child.

I,ve seen an upside down rainbow

I am not a number.
If I remember correctly, the sun needs to be lower than 41° above the horizon for a rainbow to form, as well as behind you

not quite true. I once saw a rainbow with one half to each side of the sun in front of me. it was strange and a little spooky.

Laudy Miss Claudy, did it hurt? 😆

the rainbow is God's promise not to destroy the earth by flood again. Genesis 9:11-16

Laudy Miss Claudy, I did too in the Smokey mountains coming out of the most terrifying thunderstorm . And, then we drove out of the clouds and the rainbow filled the car. it was such a moving experience.

Tre, RAF Lakenheath was our sister base.

Giggle pig, I served in the USAF in 1982-84 and was stationed at RAF Mildenhall UK

Ahh, my formative years in Hawaii!

Byrde Alpha Bitch
Bigred-dot, Please pontificate elsewhere, this is not the forum for that. Thank You.

Giggle pig
DEE, I saw the best looking double rainbow in my life and a little village called Lakenheath UK.

Bigred-dot, Amen!

About 3 hours ago I was walking to the chippy with my granddaughter and we saw a rainbow, on the way home , the sky was red, looked really nice

Paula J
Player Elf Counsel, haven’t heard from Miss Claudy since I was a kid. I’m 67 now

GOD, put the bow in the sky, to promise to never flood the earth! Next time, when Jesus returns, He will burn up and destroy this evil world and all that don't know Him!

j Sunshine
in upstate NY the rainbow is always to the east. it has nothing to do w where you are standing

j Sunshine
that is not true here in upstate NY. rainbows are always to our east

I have seen double rainbows before I live in Oklahoma so I'm always seeing rainbows

Had to think for a minute, but remembered looking for the sun when a powerful rain storm ended and it was opposite the beautiful rainbow.

DEE, I saw a Sundog for the first time when I was in Florida.

Cat Mom
Laudy Miss Claudy, cool beans!

Cat Mom
RedSeaDiver, would love to see that!

Cat Mom
Joe D, wow, would love to see that in person! Just a tiny taste of what Heaven will be like!

Player Elf Counsel, seen only 2 triples myself, lots of doubles

Player #137542988
Hmmm-did not know this one! lol!

Laudy Miss Claudy, WOW 😮


Laudy Miss Claudy, I have seen double rainbows 3 times in my lifetime and did not appreciate them. The reason was,that each time I saw one, my mother was ill and in hospital. I was living in a different part of the country. I doubt if I will ever see any more as I lost her a few years ago.