Who was the first to design the parachute?
Correct answer: Leonardo da Vinci

The French are fearless and crazy. Wow to be the first to jump out if a balloon with a new fangled air catchy thingy (did it even have a name back then?) . I wonder if his mom knew what he was going to do .

If in doubt pick DaVinci.

Player Elf Council
Chezikeets, When I was in Rome a few years ago the students at a university had actually made a lot of his inventions. Including a tank, a machine gun and a parachute. They actually worked. it was an amazing exhibiton.

mick dundee
how awesome a bloke was Leonardo da Vinci?

why do you all have to argue grow up

Player #30601169
Player Elf Council, he spent his last few years at a chateau in the Loire Valley in France, Chateau Du Clos Lucé. It also has life-sized models of many of his inventions. Its a lovely area to visit.

Leo (may I call him Leo?) was a multi talented genius! I love his artwork. Sad that he was so underrated.

KrispyFlamingo78325, that's at least 25% of the fun playing this game. all the spats in the comments.

Player briwhi
LuckyDubrovnik, The question was "who first designed the parachute? " DaVinci designed a working concept.

dunjarmos, Do you even know what the members of the French resistance had to go through before you judge an entire country?

Player #120374466
Player Elf Council, Let's be glad the tanks and machine guns didn't catch on until much later. Otherwise mankind would be on the brink of extinction 500 years ago

I say the person who first shook out a piece of fabric that caught the wind invented the parachute.

Wannabe Vulcan
Danny G, I'll bet it works -- constantly traveling into the future at the rate of one second per second.

Wannabe Vulcan
jorynnc, the way the Eiffel Tower tapers, I can't imagine how anyone could jump off without hitting the side on the way down.

Wannabe Vulcan
Chezikeets, "André-Jacques, you get down here this instant!"

"Is it true that Da Vinci..." -"Yes!!!"

KrispyFlamingo78325, it's not so much an argument but just voicing ones opinion

Danny G
Anyone can design anything. If you don't make it and test it, it's just an idea. I've designed a timetravel machine. It doesn't mean it works until you build it and demonstrate it.

Player #35009238
actually was Francis Bacon in England in the 14th century. Da Vinci is known to have been aware of and then drawn designs to illustrate some of Bacons astounding predictions. Da Vinci acknowledges and repeats Bacon on notes written in his drawing books.
Bacon also predicted deep sea divers and contraptions to allow people to fly with bird-like wings.

It was actually Faust Vrančić and it was in 1615. Da vinci saw sketches of his “flying man” and made it better

Player #47025073
Faust Vrancic should be mentioned in the answer explanation

1st Unknown author
2nd Leonardo da Vinci (first functional)
3rd Faust Vrančić (descend improvement)

The are no correct answer here. It is Faust Vrančić who invented parachute.

Chezikeets, parachute in French means protection against falling. They also have a "parapluie" umbrella, or protection against rain and parasol. yep, you guessed it, protection against the sun.

Player #32534720
this can't be true

Sully Girl
mick dundee, yup pretty freaking awesome

Sully Girl
luckycatfay, exactly, should have known dah

Player #13023389
I've never skydived but my daughter has. It's on my bucket list. Debby

Player Gigi #28446253
RockNRollMama82, that would make a fascinating study!

Player Gigi #28446253
Player #25874027, recently read his biography including drawings of his inventions. An AMAZING MIND!

Player #2512936
Chezikeets, Mongolfier. Named after the 2 French Brothers Who invented it.

Between DaVinci, Ben Franklin and Edison, I think over 50% of inventions were made...

Player #27544762
luckycatfay, also invented a type of helicopter

Player BenHur
Chezikeets, The French are not really known for being fearless just saying.