Which of these is an earth science concerned with the solid Earth?
Correct answer: Geology

Stinky Toad
joseph Willardson, UTAH.

Maman Moustique
Additional info to people who are interested: Ethnography - a branch of anthropology that provides scientific description of individual human societies; Epistemology - the theory of knowledge, with regard to its methods, validity & scope, and the distinction b/w justified belief & opinion; Gnosiology - the philosophy of knowledge & cognition.

Maman Moustique
It would be better if the author could explain a bit the other 3 answer choices.

Lovely rock formation.

joseph Willardson
such rocky waves.

Frito77, mind you the earth is flat makes some of the comments on here sound intelligent, I wonder was he just winding everyone up?

Myles B.67459
Frito77, she fell off the edge of the world!

I love geology questions!!