In Greek mythology, who was Prometheus?

Correct answer: Titan

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Byrde Alpha Bitch
Byrde Alpha Bitch
FreshMango, The oral tradition in all mythologies/ faiths/ religions/ cults/ beliefs/ sciences, etc. Was to pass information on from generation to generation. Therefore, variations became a source of disagreement, persecution & sometimes even war. This was the way before they became books & even then there had to be changes & addendums due to study, discovery, translation, "track down" information aka. "myths" etc.
ChewyGazelle68623, Congratulations. Super. job, Chewy. GOD bless you and yours.
Player #9977236, I study My/hoiogy, so it was easy for me!! I am on level 1,004 and the questions are hard. sometimes I know them and sometime, a lucky guess. this one I got on my own!! never give up, cause sometimes, they throw easy ones, at this level!! GOOD LUCK!!!
Player #9977236
Player #9977236
I like greek