What do termites do as pests?
Correct answer: Damage wooden buildings and structures

Player #6852065
we never had termite problems until we started putting mulch around our house. if you must mulch use cedar.

stashio2020, I know this sounds crazy, but I know 2 people who used bleach water to get rid of them.

One of my neighbours kept complaining that she could hear rustling & munching during the night but was belittled by her husband to the point of him making a doctor's appointment for her to get happy pills. They were arguing about it when he put his hand out to lean on the wall and his arm went right through. Termites had eaten out the plasterboard (drywall in Amerispeak) Appointment got cancelled and one made for a hearing test for him.

* Seshati *
Player #6852065, great point mulch may encourage them or entice them to munch on house foundations, great idea to mulch cedar. Of course one must always be mindful of the type of mulch to use on plants.

Gary-Melb Aust, That's not really polite,not all Chinese are bad

toe jam
they keep eating and they don't gain weight. just like ants.

It’s The Dragon
When I was in Australia I saw huge termite mounds. And all of the trees around them were damaged in some way.
mitch, thats so funny

* Seshati *
I love termites though I am aware of the damage they do they are just living their best life lol like humans & I think we do considerably more damage & cannot be seen in anyway as doing good for the earth. Termites are part of the breakdown cycle like many critters & scavengers of the natural world. I find the mound building termites in Africa, Australia & South America especially amazing, their building instinct is beyond fascinating.

* Seshati *
Player#MaBe, wow 😯

Player #4774409
Gary-Melb Aust, wow really? Or the termite can be compared to being ignorant & racist!! Causing destruction in humanity all over the world.😡

Player #6852065
we never had termite problems until we started

termites should become extinct!!