What was Nathan Hale's final remark to his British captors?
Correct answer: I only regret that I have but one life to give for my country

MTP6969, true. Let us stop arguing over history and be grateful for those who gave all. they never kmew what was going to happen to them nor if they would ever see their family again. They had little food and lived in poor, dirty places. they selflessly fought for people they did not even know. This is the greatest kind of selflessness.

There are so many brave stories of those who've given all for the cause they so deeply believed in. Hale was from a time and era, very different than todays'; where honor, loyalty, justice, etc were not just ideals that one put pen to paper. They were virtues that were not just worth dying for, but also not willing to live without. Were a similar situation to occur in today's environment, how many men or women would take up such a call to potentially give up everything for people you don't even know.... I guarantee that if the Continental army during the revolutionary War had similar numbers as those we could muster up in today's society.... Well we would all still be pledging allegiance to the British crown.
To all those who came before and gave all for the lives and virtues they believed in..... To all those who paid the ultimate sacrifice with their lives for these people and ideals..... And to all those wounded or scarred physically and/or emotionally from the events that created this nation with the blood, sweat and tears of all those who fought, and their families, for something bigger than themselves..... I salute you and am truly grateful and thankful for all of your sacrifices.

Theres nothing wrong with being proud of our country and our heritage. Of coarse our ancestors were not perfect but their mistakes don't outweigh the immeasurable good that has come from American values here and around the world. Im inspired by this mans bravery and love for America.

Jolennda Cole, who cares if he said it or not. I'm gonna believe he did

without war there would be no peace. nothing to compare or appreciate the peace when it is found. peace is never just given by oppressors it has to be fought for and taken in order to have any value at all.

Player #1949300, Actually the rich in the colonies gave up almost everything for the revolution. The signers of the Declaration of Independence lost almost everything. Look it up, history is interesting and your purely emotional response is not factual.

Hale did say it. There's proof. The British execution is required to record last statement to honor God and country anything less is death to them. I appreciate Hale and brave women and men who gave their all for our freedom.

Dave Musick, Really, garbage? Our country has a dedicated group of volunteers who serve their country with pride and distinction. I wish everyone would honor their service. Half the world wants to live here and the other half wants to destroy us. I spent 30 years making friends in foreign countries so they could say they knew an American they liked.

Denise Lentz
Jolennda Cole, no there isn't, but it sure makes a good story to get childreninterested in history

#ILoveMyFamily❤, I wish to thank you for All of your kind and unfortunate words. I wish All the people in the world would stop and get their selves together and remember what our Historian's and Our Family and Friends are doing for Us Still to this Day.

We need to remember how much our freedom meant to our forefathers and do our part today to save our Democracy !

Save Gaza
Eric the red, you’re joking, right?🤣

Lady Klaybuck
#ILoveMyFamily❤, Amen, Gratefully from Family of Vets + Spouse in Heaven Semper Fi

The Sergg
I thought Sydney Carton said that?!

Gary, the oppressors are the US government. now what??

Eric the red
Troposçi, That settles it. The CIA would never be dishonest.

curiouspirit, well said!!

Hearing that in grammar school made a profound impression on me. What a hero! What a patriot!

Player #137846770
#ILoveMyFamily❤, sounds like the beautiful Jews

Awesome Sauce

Yet! People want to take those statues down or took them down. Those are to remind us, where we came from or came out of. Then we wonder why our nation is falling apart. Not being humble and taking a good hard look at things like this man or others in history.

blubear, good q. I'm going to Google it.

HealthfulLord, I would 100% trust the words of a Holocaust survivor than a German soldier.

Player #136668013
#ILoveMyFamily❤, very true

Heart, NOT for ALL. ALL did NOT
“get freedom”. A VERY important distinction.

Gary, Really Gary?? Do tell…

curiouspirit, You CANNOT speak for the descendants of those MOST affected by your ancestors “mistakes”. I’m not too sure the “good” outweighs the “bad”. In my mind the “good” and “bad” are inextricably linked.

Nathan Hale is from my home town, Coventry Connecticut, on South Street . I grew up in Coventry, Connecticut, and I still live in Coventry, Connecticut.

I wish I was able to spend a year touring the East and visit all the historical sites and museums dedicated to our country's history.

A distant cousin of mine.

Gary, we have yet to have any peace tho millions have lost their lives.

curiouspirit, wrong we have subjected and murdered millions and literally destroyed prospering democracies and communities all over the world and left them broken and war zones for the wealthy's benefit. And sorry idk if it was a thousand years ago OWNING people and rape, and slaughter of innocents is never justifiable.

Player #119695104
I am so tired of hearing these liberals on colleges fighting for socialism and hiding behind the Constitution rights of free speech if we become a socialist or communist country we will no longer have the right of free speech

#ILoveMyFamily❤, Bravo

this is a cool game. i love the education lesson behind each question!!

There is currently a town called Halesite on Long Island. Possibly named after Nathan Hale?

I have read there's no proof whether he said it or not...either way, the line came from a play that was popular at the time, the same source says 🤔

#ILoveMyFamily❤, & JESUS?

Was always a favorite historical figure of mine... been to his home. He was my first cousin 7x removed. Lot of family members buried in his cemetery.

Heart, Yes both women and men who serve are all heroes. God bless them all.