Which bird is in the picture?
Correct answer: Vulture

Player #9809468
Player #8088545, They get a bad rap, but all creatures have a place in maintaining balance.

Player #8088545
amazing info

They can consume meat infested with anthrax that would otherwise remain active for many years.

little b
i don't like the vulture birds

new info for me.thanks

vulture is very beautiful animals

We had an injured one walk into our backyard. I made sure he had something to eat, cut up chicken from the store etc. It took around a week for him to be on his own again.

the cinareous black vulture is the largest vulture reaching a wingspan of 7-10.5 feet and weighing up to 8.5-15 kgs.

Player #2512936
Player #9809468, Except humans, many Who destroy anything they see!