What is a cup worn for protection on the finger that pushes the needle in sewing called?
Correct answer: Thimble
My beloved Mom-in-law, God rest her sweet soul, wore holes in several metal thimbles making quilts for her 7 kids. Over the years she embroidered chambray shirts for multiple grandchildren, pillowcases, and dishtowels, which she gave us for Christmas, and which I will treasure always, along with one of her perforated thimbles.
Scottish Fraulein, actually it's true that there is an office product that looks like thimble and it called a rubber finger or rubber finger cover and it is used when working with newly printed and stuck together paper that need sorting.
Byrde Alpha Bitch
beebee, Completely different items who have no correlation to each other, other than the fact that they each go on the finger. They are used for different tasks altogether.
little b
i dont like the thimble
I'm fat sorry
Sonny Vistan
I saw it on my mother sewing.
I really don't know this I used majority vote hint.😑
Player #15169647
the only reason i got that right was because of the movie sleeping beauty
Birdiemom, It sounds as if your late MiL was a really talented lady, and I can imagine the residents of Heaven looking very smart in her creations.
hannah #myself for l
I did any how
beebee, never used a thimble, hell, I couldnt even thread a needle!! too blind!!