What do birds of 'Corvidae' family feed on?
Correct answer: They are omnivorous
want to see some fun? put out some unsalted peanuts still in the shell for the Jays and watch them go for them!
There are 2 Magpies that comes to my front door everyday for the last 2 years since they were babies(okay I give them food) they call out for me once they are outside my screen door. They are very smart, they know I am home when they see the door is open.
Duneboy, try some peanut pieces in your outstretched hand. chickadees, nuthatches, downy woodpecker blue jays will be right there.
Very smart birds.
Some of my favourite birds.
Crows take the wrappers out of the golf cart, scrounging for food
Duneboy, they wait in a tree outside my window for me to throw out peanuts. and they fight with the squirrels to see who gets to them first. they're very noisy.
The longest answer is always correct 🤣🤣
love all birds, apart from vultures.... ugly things!
Duneboy, do that every weekend,they have thier own feeder too.😁
Tina B.
Arohanui, woah....that's pretty cool
Duneboy, yes they love nuts. they hold the nut between their feet and peck it to crack it open. I leave a smooth cinder block outside my window and put nuts on it for them.