If you wrote the symbols for Helium, Lithium, Cobalt, Platinum, and Erbium, what would they spell?
Correct answer: A means of transport
Finally! High school chemistry class pays off!
JDAB 1970
Love the Tom Lehrer reference!
These are the only ones of which the news has come to Harvard
And there may be many others but they haven't been discarvard
Mujahid Mohideen R
Nice question..Gave some work for brain.But you will know the correct answer only when you are aware of the symbols of the Chemicals
Player #12981006
JDAB 1970, My husband and I love that song. It is funny!
Player #5100533
Jezzer ---> There are far better things to comment on, than the periodic table. On to the next act.... Like you're ever going to read this comment anyway...
Player #77332901, What? Most people took chemistry in school. I didn't, but even I could figure it out. (Okay, I'm a nerd.)
The Chaser
I love this question!
Player #4250921, It can be, if it is carrying any form of chemicals on it
Leonidas Perez
Ask Igor Sikorsky maybe he knows to ride a dragonfly
YawningOracle52771, Long gone
Player #3366575
JezzerLX, no, alias bee bee isn't here, but I am.
JezzerLX, I am still here!!