What was Karl Lagerfeld famous for?
Correct answer: All three are correct

I've never known that he is caricaturist.

little b
I've not heard of Karl larger field

Mrs busybody
Uninitialized, no it’s usually. I came across one that wasn’t correct. I don’t remember the question.

BSB fan124
I don’t know the person in the picture but I saw “All three are correct” I just said oh yes the longest answer

Wendell Thomas, almost all the time so I pick it everytime and it's correct

I did not knew him

Wendell Thomas, exactly, I don't even have to think hard anymore

#larry fine 4 life
Grammy, I disagree it is always

Wendell Thomas, Dear not "usually" but ALWAYS 😊

I don't know about this one. His "fame" is the result of his fashion design work, but not his other endeavors given as answers.

Wendell Thomas, ,oti