What is the 'Myers–Briggs Type Indicator' used for determining?
Correct answer: Personality types

Byrde Alpha Bitch
Took this test multiple times each time gave me a different "result." I guess by their standards I have multiple personalities!

ZyggyStardust, they gave you these at school?! Great idea to mess up purposely because the tests shouldn't be taken at school/for job interviews/etc.. because it doesn't reflect your personality as some might choose the "better" answers on purpose...

Old Fool
catsmeow9810, I was asked by a company to do this test, because they wanted to hire more people like me.
I totally messed about with it.
A few weeks later I resigned to take a much better paid and more satisfying job.

My favourite theory. 😊 #INFP

Player #32567393, The Meyers-Briggs Test is part of the field of psychology, not psychiatry. No drugs in psychological therapy, but since psychiatry is part of medical care, you can receive drugs there.

Player #32567393
Cozzy 25,
Why? So psychiatry can drug kids? I LOATH psychiatry with every fibre of my being. Their drugs ruined the last 41 years of my life. 😡

Next time we have a photo, like the one above, showing lots of different people, let’s acknowledge diversity. Where are the Black people?

INFJ fam wya?

Player #32567393, it can be practiced without drugs and can be life saving!

little b
my personality type is Jesse h

Player #32567393, 😪

min yoongi yang jeongin
i am an infj, the rarest personality type. Any other infj's here?

INTJ-A here.

i agree with vee

I am definitely an extroversion!!!

I'amLeeAnu, same

808stevan1, I love that show!

Karen S.⭐

Nice description. I'm glad they took the time to explain Carl Jung's theory on the matter.

Player #25094369
infp-t here

Player #5099592
Diver Dan, still a drag

Player #5099592
Iron, 😄

Player #5099592
Player #4249881, that played in later changed do yours

yes i agree . wish this stuff was out there more