What is the estimated number of records Elvis Presley sold worldwide?
Correct answer: More than one billion

He truely was a legend in his time

Quite incredible when you think about how easy it is to market worldwide these days yet still no one comes close

Player #96919
AccountableUrgency12, I adored him then,cand still do to this day.He was a one off. No one will ever come close

Player #8043966
Plus....awesome to see in person. Las Vegas, International Hotel, 1970 Comeback, opening night. I'll never forget!!

Elvis has left the building. No other entertainer came close to his worldwide popularity.

Player #10628065
Smooth voice.

John Lohmann
He is the King, and from I've heard, a really nice person. Too bad he was a prisoner of his own fame.

I have puzzled over whether Elvis was just in the right place at the right time, so to speak. Or, if he would have been equally popular & successful at any given time in history. Obviously, his good looks had much to do with everything, but I believe he would have been better than just "OK", or even just "GOOD" at whatever he did. There have been a very few folks in the past who possessed that same special intangible "something" that assured they would leave an indelible mark on history. Elvis was one of them.

Wea5el 89
This guy would’ve blown the internet to smithereens in his hey day! What a guy, what a legend 🤘🤘

Player smartrican
my mom was the supr. at the L.V. inter. hotel laundry, she was in charge of doing all his clothes

Unreal Neil.
Player Lorraine4748, 90% of his records were sold after his death. Tom Parker, Grrr.

Player #77118933
His music is still selling, so that number is still growing.

I was born 7/27/77 right before he died. I have been to Graceland on the anniversary of his death. I imagine it was extremely stressful trying to keep up the persona of Elvis just like Marilyn Monroe. Both stars do bright they burned out. RIp

Player #33292972
AccountableUrgency12, I think he was a legend for all times. Saw every one of his movies at the drive in when I was a kid, my mom and dad was also a fan.

He was incredibly talented & good looking. What a shame he got tangled up in Hollywoods drugs. I saw him perform one of his last concerts in CT. It was awful!! He was pasty white..sweating profusely..couldn’t even remember the words to his songs! Such a tragedy.

Player #53060729
I love Elvis

onin famatigan
Hail the King of Rock n' Roll!!!

AccountableUrgency12, I was a teenager in 1960's and I LOVED ELVIS. but was not a screaming Fan.

He truly was great at what he did, singing and acting. I still remember where I was when it was announced he’d died,, I was in my early teens and was broken-hearted 😢

Player #8043966, I'd give anything to have been there!!!

I never knew he had been in just so many films. A lot of today's 'stars' can't ever come close to his talent.

Player #9701170
He was amazing, but the stress must have been tremendous. That concert in '77 is hard to look at I always feel so bad, the physical changes in his looks and voice.... RIP to the KING

Player Lorraine4748
Mamabearduck$, Look again - it says "records Elvis Presley sold"

Player #4719061, 🤭then you’ve been living under a rock your whole life

I went and sung some of his songs with a friend at a care home once and the room lit up with smiles of the elderly and a few were dancing in their chairs. It was lovely seeing all the smiles from them😊

Paul IQ 105
big big Elvis fan, never getting that wrong lol

The King of Rock & Roll 🎼!.

Player #4778109
absolutely fantastic singing great man never will be forgotten.

Love Elvis; the greatest there ever was.

saw the king in Vegas in 1969.

AccountableUrgency12, thank you, thank you very much

Player #4719061
Never heard him sing

The best ever

that's my junk a hunk a burning love right there.

Wow, I guessed and got it right. That's a lot!

i love elvis he was a legend loved his movies my favorite song is bossonova

Player #5100533
If, for NO other reason, this would be the BEST example, in the world, NOT to ABUSE drugs. ALL this Talent, GONE, down the "Drain". If you will ??