What is the name of this iconic weapon?

Correct answer: Thompson submachine gun or 'Tommy Gun'

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What people think about it: 11 Comments
Player #8297262
Player #8297262
not all models could take the 50 or 100 round drum magazine. some could only take the stick magazine of 20 or 30 rounds. these could be used in all models.
Player #19719147
Player #19719147
Player #8400550, while you are 100% correct, the primary reason for the path of firearm and ballistics development that led to the .357 magnum was still the Tommy gun.
didn't know there were multiple types of machine guns
Brad Stopher
Brad Stopher
tommy guns went into obsoletion because they're inaccurate
Al Capone's favorite
Crysthel Delos Trinos
Crysthel Delos Trinos
I do not know about it but i love history❤️
Divyansh Tripathi
Divyansh Tripathi
I had used this gun in free fire that's why I cracked this
MC Merci
MC Merci
The Tommy gun was invented at The Southgate House in Newport, Kentucky.
Naitik Yadav
Naitik Yadav
I have used this gun in free fire game.
* Seshati *
* Seshati *
Player #10381263 ber, yes during the war years & makers of the old metal lipstick casings were reconfigured to make bullets not lipstick how interesting hearing war time stories.
My grandmother told me that her mother had a Tommy gun. g