What percentage of the human brain is water?
Correct answer: 80%
Wrong! It's only 60% water, and 20% Beer!
Player #24358685
Player Larry, the best thing you can do to prevent a hangover is to drink water before you drink and especially a good-sized glass before sleepy time. I learned that when I was in tbe Army, for some reason.
My parents would have got this wrong. They used to tell me that I had rocks in my head. 🙄
Player #1489294
Oh well!
not that am saying the answer is wrong but I think that percentage varies from individuals, geographical location and maybe diets 😁😁😁
Dianna Bella74
JasonR1972, lol good one
slosh slosh
JasonR1972, myne two..
can't believe of the 80% water oh how delicate that is
I think some people's brains are more squishy than others!
Concorde SST
Tom, 😄😄
Player #9914179
Hannibal Lecter must have known.