What does euthanasia mean?
Correct answer: Intentionally ending a life to relieve pain

Player #2568453
kitkat7250, When you watch a loved one die day by day, with shots of pain medication to ease their suffering, I wished for euthanasia. It has nothing to do with liberals. Everyone deserves to die with dignity and respect under their own terms.

Player #2568453, never ceases to amaze me why we put animals 'to sleep' coz we love them but watch another human suffer !

As a Hospice nurse, I've seen my share of dying. My main goal and focus is for my patients to be able to pass with comfort and their dignity intact. Unfortunately it doesn't always end that way. I have witnessed people die horrible, violent deaths. I'm pro euthanasia....that being said, I cannot express the importance of having an advance directive! Communication with your loved ones is key!

Player #2568453, well said!

Player #2568453, Vermont has right to die law

For as long as I can remember I've been in favour of euthanasia, and as I've now had MS for almost forty years I've registered with DIGNITAS in case I get to the stage where I can't do anything for myself.

Most states in Australia have passed assisted dying legislation and NZ is about to. Although in some instances over stringent, it is a comfort to have there for us older citizens who all too often have witnessed loved ones having to die without a right to choice or dignity.

Player #2568453, hear, hear, I'm in complete agreement with you!! I just wish I could go like that, and as another person said, why do we put animals to sleep and yet we can't do it to humans and let them suffer!!

SOOTI, I too have had an incurable condition, (won't tell you what, cos it's a long word....), and I don't know what the future will hold for me! and I'm in complete agreement with you, cos I'd like to think my loved ones would do the right thing by me!!

Player #7344485
An accessory is a person who assists in the commission of a crime (murder), but who does not actually participate in the commission of the crime(guilty).

Player #120271469
RICK-N-BACHER, yes and be sure your POA will respect your wishes. on a funny note when. they taught this in health class there was no textbook and teacher never wrote the word until on a test it was a fill in the blank where I wrote youth in Asia never truly understanding what they were talking about! lol

MommaMel, it's important to have living will.

Mama Bear, I'm so sorry your god expects it's followers to suffer in all areas of their lives and has no forgiveness .