Which of these poems made Edgar Allan Poe popular in his lifetime?

Correct answer: "The Raven"

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What people think about it: 15 Comments
Player Meyer
Player Meyer
The Baltimore Ravens football team is named after this poem because Poe lived in Baltimore.
Love Poe!
Malik (A Black Man)
Malik (A Black Man)
Love the Raven. One of the few I can recite.
Malik (A Black Man), once upon a midnight dreary, while I pondered weak and weary.....
My favorite is Annabel Lee
Player Elf Counsel
Player Elf Counsel
MathematicalDragon11, Staying at a dreadful B & B in Scotland I wrote in the visitor's book... Quoth the raven. Hope she knew the next word.
When I was a child, The Raven was the first thing of Poe’s I ever read, and it’s always been my favorite.
Player #15343745 Jo
Player #15343745 Jo
❤ Poe
Player Say what!?
Player Say what!?
Player Meyer, Wow, I've wondered and now that explains it! That's a great tidbit of info.
RushMama2112, Love Poe.. mmm!
team edward cullen
team edward cullen
the fall of the house of usher and the raven
Paul Mendes
Paul Mendes
Player Meyer, a sad, ending to a very talented man. His words were his life unfortunately, alcohol soon, his mind, body and soul … Die in the gutter … What a shame !!!
Zakiyyah Ameerah Mateen
Zakiyyah Ameerah Mateen
I love this poem !! I love Ravens and I definitely love Edgar A. Poe .
Edgar A.Poe was Gothic before anyone knew what it was. Bless that man ,he knew how to get your attention. I love the poem Annabelle Lee.That and the raven are my favorites.
Poe was a fascinating man. I had a hs English class that was 6 weeks of nothing but Edgar Allan Poe. I loved it!