Musically speaking, what does the term "Mondegreen" denote?
Correct answer: Mishearing the lyrics of a song

Grey Ghost 66
Manfred Mann: "Blinded By The Light, lit up like a douche ya know the middle of the night." 😁

CCR sang there's a bathroom on the right. 😂

Player #3532789
Player #9043571, "Youth in Asia". / Euthanasia! For years I didn't know why the Youth in Asia were getting all this attention!!!!

At last a name for my condition!

YawningOracle52771, Like a Nine Stone Cowboy

Player #2095333
a year has passed since I broke my nose (message in a bottle)

I'm not talking 'bout the linen, and I don't want to change your life, but there's a warm wind blowin' the stars around, and I'd really love to see you tonight. 😂

I'm gonna take my horse to the hotel room.

is there going to be a party, or a heartache tonight?
won a $20 bet thanks to the Eagles

I worked with a young lady who thought “more than a woman “ was “four legged woman” 😂

Most of Phil Collins/Genesis, but the rest of these are hilarious/ good!

blah blah blah
these are HILARIOUS!!

When it described reverse mondegreen, the first thing I thought of was the electronic voice phenomenon (EVP) that ghost hunters hear in the voice recorders.

Perfumella, those words are wrong?

Player #76981972
500 children and a crop in the field - Kenny Rogers "Lucille" 😁

Player #92723922
How about Christmastime's Round John Virgin?
Or that old favorite, Gladly, the Cross-eyed Bear?

Player #97184361
Cassandra, My experience is with the tune whiter shade of pale. some lines don’t make sense. ! ! !

"Footloose Pet Goose Picked a fight with a moose.. cheese a stiff breeze .. watch out there a 10 bees"

my cousin asked Rolf Harris to sing "Six White Bloomers". She was only 7yrs old. " Six White Boomers", about Santa travelling in Australia, having to use kangaroos due to the heat being too much for the reindeer.

It has a name!🤣

My son heard the lyrics for “…might as well face it, you’re addicted to love” as “might as well fake a job, tip tip to low”.

co worker thought Feliz Navidad was "Freddie's knobby dot" couldn't understand what that had to do with christmas

Chris RN
Player #38170677, The actual words in John Prine’s song, ‘That’s the Way the World goes Round’ are ‘…you think you’re gonna drown in a half inch of water…’ the woman instead heard ‘a happy enchilada..’

kruthik viraat
modda kuduru

Player #12331564
It's a hard egg, nothing but a hard egg

Player #12331564
Player #2095333,
I should have blown it right from the start!

Growing up I always wondered who the dunderchiefs were in the song dirty deeds. Also, Hey, Mr. Tangerine Man, play a song for me.

Phil 'sum guy'
QuizMaster, I don't want to know why your horse is in your room...😃

my brother swears Metal guru is Mary-Lou

NumberChaser, heartache

didn't know 😪

Rihanna "We found love in a homeless place."

The little brother of a friend was hearing: “Don’t be fooled by the rocks that i’ve got, hamster, hamster Jenny from the block”

I could never done this although I got it wrong I am still learning and its just a game

i love this term just as i love being amused when song lyrics or even expressions mutate and being "murdered" and assassinated... i've heard plenty of these but i don't have an idea it has a term until today...

knows stuff
...the old hymn, 'Gladly the Crossed-Eyed Bear'

Grey Ghost 66, I just looked up those lyrics!

Scotti, 😀😀

I could never understand why they were singing about the secret Asian man. I wondered what did he do that became so secret? The song was Secret Agent Man.

“Banana woman. Banana woman to me.” Instead of “More than a woman.”