Which nation drinks the most tea per capita?
Correct answer: Turkish
Republic of China
Turkey is the largest consumer of tea. According to sources, each Turk consumes approximately 1,300 cups (3.16kg) of tea annually. That translates to 3-4 cups daily, with the number of cups expected to rise to 10 during the freezing winter. In other words, this beverage forms an integral part of Turkish culture.
2nd highest is Ireland with 2.19 kg (4.83 lb) and 3rd highest is United Kingdom with 1.94 kg (4.28 lb)
There is no source given. I just read that the UK drinks more tea per capita than any other country. Of course, I can't recall my source but, then again, I didn't write this question.
Player #3998555
turkey drinks coffe this game is wrong