Who said, "I don't know Hitler personally but at least Germany keeps its people at work"?
Correct answer: Henry Ford

Player-T G 3503313
And yet, one more reason to drive a Chevy.

Player Tystyx
A lot of people don't know that the Model T's Engine's,Transmission's Chassis's were Built by the Dodge Brothers. They were Jewish. When Henry Ford fond out they were Jews, he wanted them fired immediately, The board of directors told Ford these guy's been buying major Stock in this company from day one. Yes they were MAJOR STOCKHOLDERS,
he bought them out they started Dodge Motor Company....Thanks Henry Ford.😪
b butpool

Player #15121014
I did not know the answer, but when I saw Ford's name, I was sure he was the answer. Henry Ford was not a nice man. Like Hitler, he was excellent at dehumanizing people. Once a person is dehumanized, it becomes easy to do almost anything to them and see it as rational.


Player #13921917
I'm selling my Ford

Player #2665883
Itsy, Most of what is taught is very surface and lots of propaganda like all countries and states do. History in the South is taught different than in the North. Only since the internet has truth been a part of education...and I spent over 30 years as an educator. Too much teaching just for test taking today...and it shows.

Player #9661418
Player #13921917, on a quiet night...you can hear a Ford rust...

He was a racist as well.

Player Dancing Lady
All this is new to me. Learned something new and promise to pass it on.

One thing's for sure...I learn lots of bew things playing this game. Mind you, I'll do my own research to fact check. This part about Ford wasn't covered in school....and now i need to research about Ethiopian Jews.

I’m also a retired GM employee. Their cars are no better. I had a Chevy Malibu where the transmission just went and I only had four payments left! So I don’t recommend either company. And again, I’m from Detroit

I’m from Detroit. The U.S. federal government told Henry Ford II to get his grandfather out of the company pronto because he was a Nazis sympathizer. Henry Ford II then had to take over the company.

Player #9661418, That’s for sure

Player #9661418, fix or repair daily! I actually had a pinto and a Granada-I switched to VW, the Toyota

Found On Road Dead, Fix Or Repair Daily just some things my dad used to say about Fords l

Player #50256099
Fix Or Repair Daily

magik#17, I drive a Lexus. Have driven Lincolns, Jaguars, and BMWzs and LOVE my Lexus!

Player Tystyx, love my Ram (Dodge) truck!

We are blessed to have two Lexus his and hers!!

Player #ussdefiant,
FORD= Found On Road Dead

Player #16730615, fixed or repaired daily

versatilebore, do you mean Jane Fonda?

Player #13152458
STOPP work now

Sakura Gakuin
I had no idea just what kind of creep he was. I did get the question right but I had no idea just how bad he really was.

Player #16441709
G man

Player #10325404
I didn't want to push that one

Player #11062041
ChargingEnigma1592, i thought it was Found On Road Dead

Player #16730615
ChargingEnigma1592, I had heard it meant “found on road dead”

Four Old Rusty Doors.

BraindeadPower73225, nope. F.O.R.D. is. Fked Over Rebuilt Dodge.

ChargingEnigma1592, found on the road dead

Player #11430812
Henry Ford had his own island where he'll grow 🌲 to make rubber for his automobile's tire's

Player #11430812
Player #15937751,
he also had an island where he grow his own trees for rubber.
The workers started killing there bosses. Because thier Superiors were INHUMANIZINE them

Player #9937894
ChargingEnigma1592, found on road dead

red cheetah
o come on😤

Player #15469555
Player-T G 3503313, true story! CHEVY/GMC All the way!!!!

I'm ashamed to say I had no idea. Always wondered why I didn't care for Fords.. Glad to be a Chevy family!! Now more than ever!