Where is the Barbary Coast?
Correct answer: Northern Africa on the Mediterranean Sea

The beach in the photo called Sinbad beach it is in the center of Tripoli the capital of Libya , Barbars still live there but the majority of people are Arabic , barbers are the native people of Libya .

Wily Febbs
Ziyad, watch your language Barbar has no existence as a word in English, barbarians are humans who are perceived to be either uncivilized or primitive ( barbares in French ), Berbers are the authentic inhabitants of North Africa not only in Libya , scattered under different tribes and different dialects throughout North Africa ( Kabylian , Shawi , Tuareg , Chelhi , Rifi , Chenwi ...) the converging point of these dialects makes a common language called Tamazight .

Never knew that, but I got it right. Being from the Philippines, I just simply used process of elimination to get to my final answer.

Montana Lady
TangyEagle83984, it's very well known as the Barbary Coast, there were also Barbary pirates the US fought. The error is your own.

Wily Febbs, Barbarian actually means bearded and has nothing to do with civilized or primitive. Yes, Berbers or Amazigh are the indigenous people of N.Africa. Fairer of complexion and remarkably more advanced than their neighbours south of the Sahara.

Player #120374466
Wily Febbs, So many variables of people and cultures.

am still trying to imagine a "coast near South America". 😂

ToughEggman19408, Semper Fi!

The monkeys on Gibraltar are called Barbary Apes.

I didn't understand the question 🤔

Ema Ben Shaaban
ToughEggman19408, where they were defeated

I don't know about that

Wily Febbs, ah you got it covered.

Wily Febbs, like the term Barbaric?

Player #34332537
I wish I can go there is do good for summer

Player #13023389
I got the answer wrong and my cousin and her husband are African missionaries! Debby

guessing also something to do with Berber carpets??

I guessed Africa because of the barbary lion

Player #2988451
Player #9121873, For aim reason I thought so too, until I had this question before.

Player Elf Council
Player #9121873, Because the Americans used it for the coast there. No idea why.

Player #9121873
why did i think the barbery coast was san francisco? duh!

Player #7986143
I thought of barbary apes of Gibraltar, educated guess really as I've not heard of the barbary coast.

Yes in the Marine Corps Hymn. From the Halls of Montezuma to the shores of Tripoli..

Player #4587636
really, Philippeans???

They spelt Phillipeans WRONG!!!!!!!

Player #2178097, they were named such by the Europeans, as the piracy began in the 9th century...
The Berber people and Barbary Coast cover Libya, Tunisia, Algeria, and Morocco.

Player #3874355
Interesting information, but it i still shocking that this kinda of thing happened because of England and it wasn't that long ago

,2 tours to the Med as part of a Nav team and never of it

Player #3338050
which Barbary coast

Philippines is spelled this way.

Kimchi ninja, mine too. kabyle from Algeria!

Player #2260423,