Which of these can characterize a scorpion?
Correct answer: It's venomous
They glow under UV light (some of their predators vision has developed to take advantage of this) and the general rule is the smaller the palps (pincers) the more lethal the venom.
Ye gods, how I hate scorpions! Ick!!
what are 25 species are known have venom capable of killing human???
Tina M.
So, how do you know if a scorpion is one of the deadly types?
RSVP78, I could not do that, definitely not!!!
mitch, it'd have to be, cos if your pincers are small then you've got less defence against bigger attacking animals.
Player #30510170
Oh my goodness you angel
there are scorpion species with no tail, no way to deliver venom
Player #10628065
I usually just step on them--with shoes on...