Which type of bird is this?
Correct answer: African grey parrot

Cha Cha
After my dear sister passed away her African Grey's chatter imitating her voice was quite strange but comforting as though she was still with us ❤

I recommed watching a video or two of the parrot mentioned, will be well worth it! Amazing, well trained and named parrot! Thanks for the info!

Player Cosmo Chic, Thank you for bringing this up. Animals have feelings too and people need to know this or not allowed to have animals or birds.

Player #16973323
My Mom had one and it used to say "Bad dog". lol

We had one and she used to shout at 8am every morning my name to get me up.. very inteligent

#Andy Rodriguez, that movie - Pauly - made me angry. Any parent who would make a child give up a pet they had bonded with like that should be horse whipped. I was so mad I was crying.

I shared my home for 32 years with Julio, my yellow nape parrot who was bilingual. He spoke both English and Spanish. I miss him so much.

My neighbor's African grey just died.l am so sad

When I was living in Tanzania, our pet bird happened to be an African Grey Parrot named POLLY. He was such a sweet bird I miss him 😢

l have the most beautiful African Grey. She's 20 & l've had her since she was 4 months old. She is incredibly intelligent,
astounding what she knows & puts I to context. She brightens my days no end. Immensely compassionate. Truly is my best friend.❤

I am a Kenyan and I own several of them. Very witty and intelligent.

Dee1, a neighborhood deride morris had one

a neighbour Deirdre Morris had one

We had a cokateil, a smaller member of the parrot family who rang like the telephone, barked like a dog and taught me how to mimic a cardinal bird. One lost out finding another one spring because he heard but couldn't find Cory, the imposter.

I am confused because they say a African grey pattro

B Dog
RushMama2112, that movie ALWAYS makes me cry. I’m tearing up just thinking about the ending and I’m a 48 year old man at work in an industrial shop as I write this!!! 😂

My sister-in-law had one, his name was Groucho and he was SMART! I would house sit for them while they vacationed every summer and one day while I was feeding their dogs who were barking in excitement, and I heard my SIL's voice telling the dogs "Shut up Maka! Shut up Alika!" over and over again! O_o He even imitated my baby niece's CRY, try walking into an empty BIG house and you hear a baby crying...That was freaky eery! LOL

Player #13078138, I would've gotten rid of the microwave FIRST! ;D

This African grey parrot is looking cute. I loved it

C & B? look carefully at the pic to get the right answer!

I like all the parrots and birds ☺☺😇🤗

Player Bengal Mama
kelloggs4791, My friend rescued a Blue Macaw that belonged to a tow truck driver and went with him everywhere. Such a vocabulary, spent fifty years or more with the trucker. He first went to a zoo after his humans death. The children were thrilled but the parents, not so much so my friend rescued him. The zoo called her for help. She's had him at least fifteen years. People must remember these birds are very long lived. my friend is not so young, where will he go next?

African grey parrot s are very smart birds and it is one of most smartest animals in the animal kingdom.

my brother has an African grey parrot. This bird can mimic my brother's cough and he cusses like a sailor!!!

I had an African Grey for 14 years, but had to give him to a friend who has 2 already, because our dogs grew very large and he was frightened to stay out of his cage. My avian vet told me his oldest patient was a 92 year old Grey!

Rahman Sadman Afique
It looks like macaw so, I chose 'Macaw' but, It's 'African Grey Parrot'.

my aunt had one

Bushra 🖤
so adorable 🥰

Player #41081547
Our African grey's name was "Polly". She was very loving and after her passing our lives became so different from happy to sad. l think her presence was the one made our family United. She's gone now nothing is same.

These amazing birds can live up to 50 or 60 years in captivity - so often they will outlive their original owners.

clever clogs
KeiKo, what happened to him?

Our neighbor in Mozambique has one and he’s so clever and funny!

Player #13078138
Had one for about 4 months. He made the beep sounds like the microwave constantly. Could not handle it anymore so I sold him to a bird store. My friends grey was taught to say Touchdown Seahawks.

king of Quiz
word grey and parrot make it easy

It would be helpful if they didn't cover the head with a green triangle that said, "bonus"!