In which film did Nicolas Cage win his first and only Academy Award?
Correct answer: Leaving Las Vegas

Player Nanny B
I loved him in the soccer's apprentice and national treasure movies.

Ghost Rider was a good flick I thought.

Player #12601093
I think it was face off

Player Ejag
Raising Arizona and Moonstruck are his best in my opinion.😉

Mary J.
lived him in con air and raising Arizona (funny )

Player #10628065
Amazing versitle actor.

turk 182
love his cousin,sophia coppola,daughter of francis ford coppola(the godfather)

I love Con Air! It has so many powerful actors and so many funny lines! "Put the bunny down.......I told you to put the bunny down"

He was amazing in Birdy. It's a must-see.

Karen 7
I hope to see him in more movies.. he played in Peggy Sue got married, Con Air, Face Off, It could happen to you, …. He can play any role.. I like him more in comedy

He's my favorite male actor.I love City of Angels. The National Treasure movies are great also.

Great film but so sad and feels frighteningly realistic which few films that centre on addiction do.

el stupitho
the wicker man lol

8 mm is my favorite movie with Nicholas Cage!

He is my favorite US actor! ❤️

Redeemed 2001
thought the movie was bad myself

Player. Ty
good movie

I loved this flick. What a great actor!