What was the name of the dog which transported diphtheria antitoxin in Alaska in the year 1925?
Correct answer: Balto

our lives would not be the same without our 4 legged friends.

Player #6405564
Dogs are amazing at what they do in the home and in the world. l dedicate this to Shilo my Golden Retriever.

Player #5167578
Hiqq, try watching the true story movie called “ Togo” on Disney +. It’s the story of the true hero husky named “Togo” , who ran about 270 kms while the others like Baltimore all ran their only about 30 kms each. Balto just happened to be the runner for the last length of 30 kms into town where there just happened to be a news reporter and the rest is history.

Player #15096415
Why did he live at a zoo, he should have lived out his years as a beloved pet in his own home

Dog named Togo was the real hero

Player maz
Togo was the skled dog that should have been honoured as he led the team that travelled the farthest. Balto took over the last 30 miles or so and because the newspaper man witnessed this he assumed Balti was the big hero. no one corrected him at the time as the owner of Togo did not care for publicity.

Player maz
Player #15096415, sled dogs do not make for home pets so easily. most have spent their lives outdoors and prefer it that way.


Balto is honoured as statues, movies and in a Disney comic by Carl Barks ås "Barko" in "North of the Yukon"!

Player #9442102
dai.laffin, I now remember seeing the stuffed.Balto at the Cleveland museum. His story was posted.Good dog.

Be wise
They should have named him, Hero.

I have seen the movie about this dog, I cried at the end because it was an amazing story and felt that he needed a lot of recognition.

Lady butterfly
The dog in the photo is not a husky. It looks like a setter.

ALL of these dogs that did this wonderful thing were ALL hero’s, bcuz without anyone one of them, this wonderful story wud not be!!

Red England
Poor dog - after he, Togo & all the others did they still didn’t let him rest in peace after he’d died! Stuffed him and he’s STILL ON DISPLAY - in my humble opinion he shud have been buried with a nice memorial & his story n photographs with his story displayed instead of his actual body. RIP Balto ❤️

Player #5167578, watched this and made me cry. Felt so betrayed for Togo when he's the one who managed to ran the longest and the hardest leg of the relay. Balto was the second choice and was left behind in the beginning but still the one remembered instead of Togo. Fortunately, there are people who still recognized his efforts and celebrated him even after everyone already thought it was Balto. Togo for me is the real hero of the relay. ❤️

Player maz, Balto probably had lot's and lots of love from the keepers and may have free range in safe areas. I like to think so.

OpalEgg80261, 1 trillion percent !!! I almost feel sorry for those that never get to experience the love of a dog... It is wonderful and unique and you really can't compare it to human love, it's very different. All dogs are capable of loving their owners in this special way, on one condition, you have to be kind ALWAYS. If you have had a bad experience with a dog, go to any animal welfare shelter and ask them to help you find comfort and friendship with a dog.

Steph, Togo as a second choice would make the correct answer too ambiguous. If only Balto or only Togo are options, then either way there is only one correct option, even if both answers have merit, to put them both as choices makes either choice arguably incorrect.

Togo did a much rigorous task...

Togo and Balto are both heros.

Why is Togo not among the choices?

Player #53640016
Togo Seppala and the team of sled dogs were the heroes .

Player #15096415, I wonder that too.

Player #15096415, you know he didn't necessarily lived in a cage in the zoo, right? He could have been with the zookeepers as their own pet and helper.

truly dogs are mans best friends

Player #41081547
Dogs are truly the most loyal, loving companion a human can ever have. I love my Pooch Pascal very dearly.

Player #1873388
Let's see your cat do that

The hero should be Togo not Balto.

wrong it was togo

Del Guapo
Togo covered most of the distance tho

Player maz
luckycatfay, working sled dogs are not house dogs. most would hate it.

OpalEgg80261, They are our best friends and sometimes our only friends.

Perhaps, from the running of the Iditarod race, came the saying "dog-tired"?

should be Togo