Who painted this picture?
Correct answer: Vincent Van Gogh

Very distinctive style, but so unappreciated. Now he's worth millions.

ellavision1, same for me

Player-T G 3503313
I don’t know a lot of his art , I knew this one.

knew it was van Gogh, due to the distinctive style he has, but I don't know a lot of his work, only the sunflowers and the one with the chair (sorry don't know what it's called) and maybe a couple of others?!

Van Gough passed away so young and he was brilliant.. you wonder was illnesses they suffered. Like recently with Thomas Kinkade not as well known but you wonder….

somehow you can always recognize a Van Gogh.

Maestro1313, hey, that portrait features Christ with his Mother Mary

baymax, then his last painting was of the field he committed suicide in. 😢

baymax, starry starry night. his most famous.

It’s sad that he lived in poverty because he couldn’t sell his work

ellavision1, oh I'm so glad that he had such wonderful pleasure in his paintings. and we can enjoy them for years. I paint also. its quite an enjoyment. not work at all.