Which film has the "Here's Johnny!" bathroom door scene?

Correct answer: The Shining

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What people think about it: 14 Comments
Joe D
Joe D
It's not "completely random ". Jack is a nickname for John, so the character's real name is probably John, so "here's Johnny " is an obvious quote.
redrum redrum redrum
Mars V
Mars V
Watch Doctor Sleep. It’s a worthy sequel.
Mrs busybody
Mrs busybody
DawnyC, it’s actually a very English thing. The Americans just copy everything!
Tina's twin
Tina's twin
smartazz19632r, there you go Trixie. your fav line!! RIP you are truly loved n deeply missed
Tremain White
Tremain White
I saw the movie when I was younger than most viewers... I can confirm, despite being European "at the time", I had no knowledge of Nicholson's ad-libbed, Carson show reference - double entendre. So you bet - its shock filled effect was definitely on point. And well done Kubrick for leaving it in, regardless, IOW!
A great Stephen King book.
Joe D, my dads name was John but he didn’t have jack as a nickname, or is that an American thing?
Old Fool
Old Fool
Correctly answered thanks to the Simpson's episode of The Shinning.
Canadagirl, Jack is a nickname for John.
Good movie, enjoy it everytime i see it. It's pretty tripped out
Incorrectly stated. Jack Nicholson ad-libbed the line, not just the character played by Nicholson, Jack Torrance. Kubrick, who was a consummate director, hated ad-libbed lines, but left this in and the scene became iconic.
Player-T G 3503313
Player-T G 3503313
Beelzebubba, (really) psycho?
Great info. Never knew it was ad lobbed. Classic. Love Nicholson.