Who was the first juvenile incarcerated for cybercrime in the United States?
Correct answer: Jonathan James

Player #9918418, a young man that is highly intelligent but still achikd facing jail time. I believe the shock of it all as well as the disappointment of his parents could make one feel like it's the end of the world... I am not saying that the government isn't shady just I know how situations can cause one to think the only choice is death...

I am pleased with our technology progress BUT the invasion of PRIVATE GOVERNMENTAL items can/create a total disaster of our planet...scary!

The Original Big Head
Deann1978, The government should have given him a job. He was very intelligent and he might still be with us today

as young as he was they could have look use him for intruding the enemy lines.What a loss.

Player #9918418, To make sure he wouldn't do it again on a different computer.

Player #22861051
Player #9918418, that’s if he’s really dead.

Be wise
I wish he would have gotten help before taking his own life. He could’ve helped a lot of people by showing them how to prevent cyber attacks.

Too much time on his hands.

Imagine What he cud of been or accomplished for humankind, if he put that awesome gift to do good?? What a waste of genius!!

The Original Big Head , and Curmudgeon,
Yes, I agree with you both.would have been a win - win for all. Perhaps the Govt considered this; I hope so. However, many factors apart from high intelligence must be considered before an individual can be placed in a highly sensitive position like this.

Deann1978, highly intelligent to know he was committing crimes!!

What a loss if he really died, our country could’ve use a genius like him. I hope he is secretly working for our government right now.