Mao Zedong was a politician of which country?

Correct answer: China

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What people think about it: 9 Comments
Mao made Stalin and Hitler look like choir boys in terms of body counts. Scary when you look at how many people they murdered.
Chairman Mao's policies led directly to the deaths of tens of millions of Chinese civilians and to decades of egregious oppression and poverty for Chinese people. It is shameful that these facts were omitted from this write up by David Wilkes.
Player #120374466
Player #120374466
Clay, A similar tragedy from a Communist ruler in Cambodia. His mind was influenced by the political propaganda promoted at University he attended in Europe.
When I was a kid he was called Mao Tse Tung.
Ran, did you know he never brushed his teeth ever!
Player #92723922
Player #92723922
Ran, In addition to the tens of thousands who starved to death.
While Mao was indeed the leader of his country, using the title of politician to describe him is misleading. His policies led to the deaths of millions of his own people. That is not what a “politician “ is, despite the fact many of them are corrupt, Mao is in a class with a few other perpetrators. Of course there were other national leaders, and monarchs etc who did the same and we should give them titles that suit their actions, like mass murderer, genocidal maniac or evil being.
not really a sports question.
Player #8258475
Player #8258475
millwallmarty, From what I've read of your comments it's clear that you're not exactly the most patriotic of Englishmen. Are you one of those apologist nutjobs by any chance?