When did the College Board administer the first SAT exam?
Correct answer: 1926

the questions are widely diversified among the world nations. so many are UK because America is rooted there. and we are connected that's why we have HISTORY!!! so Elfcounsel. enjoy the game. be grateful there are not so many Antarctic questions. or soil composition of the alps questions. right now this game is too hard for me. enjoy!!!!!

Elfcounsel, there are probably disproportionately more questions about US culture than UK culture and I usually miss the UK questions. But look on the bright side. You're learning things you didn't know before. As my maternal grandmother used to say, "Kwitcherbellyakin!"

Timoteo, I love everything about this game!! I an a "learning addict" I dont forget much!! this is the best game out there, I think!! play it everyday!! I am on level 980 and the questions are hard, but, I learn something new everyday!! Good Luck!!

Elfcounsel, If the American questions bother you, don't you think it's a little counterintuitive to keep your country set as the United States???
The tutorial when we started playing this game explained that although the default is the US, you can change your country in Settings to any of the 150+ others listed. So I don't understand why you're complaining to us, there's nothing we can do for you.
(Game settings can be found in the upper left corner of the map screen.)

It's OK learning things you don't know but all these dates will never remember them need more useful questions