What does the common earwig use the pair of forceps for?
Correct answer: Capture prey

Laudy Miss Claudy
We used to call these insects "pincher bugs" when we were kids. I was probably 45 years old when I found out their real name.

Player-T G 3503313
Alice Cooper was once in a band named earwigs.

they also can give a nasty bite with those pincers, leaves a blister. On the other hand they are apparently very good mothers and care for their offspring... unusual among insects

Miss Sue
Always wondered about this strange insect. Now I know.

A famous one used to play football in England, his name was "O" (Oh not zero). He was popular with fans who used to chant his name.

Blooply, Night Gallery, titled the Caterpillar, written by Rod Serling

Laudy Miss Claudy, we called them toe Pinchers! lol

Player #598872
l hate those critters!they destroy my petunias!