Which of these is the heaviest and one of the longest known extant snake species?
Correct answer: Green anaconda
Player #25028854, right? If you ask about which is the heaviest, etc., the stats should be in the answer.
Player #25874027
Your comment does not address the question which is about weight ,length is secondary.
Player #143798521
Why did the author of this question ot.give us the length and weight of the snake?
The obsession with snakes in this game is oogie. I loathe them. All of them.
I just realize later that Anaconda is of course much largar than just python(correct me if im wrong)
Goodbye Moonmen
Not to be pedantic, but all snakes are venomous. This type is not poisonous. Learned that on QI when Stephen Fry was hosting
Tehoac, I got it right, no problem!°
Player #8666323, or how heavy
Player #8666323
what the ?l doesn't say how long
This is not quite right but ok. The Reticulated python can get to greater lengths and a little heavier than the green python if they attain that length (21 feet). The anaconda, inch for inch, is heavier as it’s girth is larger but reaches a max length of about 17 ft. Weight, 160 for python and 155 for anaconda. I learned that the reticukated python was the biggest snake in world in college. Granted that has been a few years ago.