Which character on the TV series "Gunsmoke" did Burt Reynolds play?
Correct answer: Quint Asper

Boy do we need a show like that now.

Watched with my Dad once a week. Watch it now 6 times a week. Great Show. I Love GunSmoke!

I didn't even realize he was on there.

He looks like Marlin Brando in that photos.

Player #32759152
yes ole Burt/Quint truly hated white men even trying to kill Matt. but Matt saw the good in him even after that.

Player #120374466
RockNRollMama82, I don't remember him in the show either. I recall Dennis Weaver as Chester

Player #29411763, sure did

Player #29411763
Didn't Burt name his son Quinton?

Player #14000764
I like Gunsmoke and the actors performance. Especially the character Festus,he acted like a real hillbilly. Ken Curtis.

I didn't realize that was Burt Reynolds, who knew! I remember listening to the theme music from my bedroom