The Roe vs Wade decision was what type of US Constitutional Amendment concern?
Correct answer: 14th Amendment

Player Nanny B
I would like to see every pro lifer adopt a drug addicted, fetal alcohol , or severely handicapped child. Then they can protest all they want.

Diver Dan, I agree. Women deserve the right to choose. Not the Government's business. Also a lot of unwanted children are abused or neglected even if they're physically normal.

Yes, it should be a woman's right to decide; and she should be able to make that decision without fearing for her safety or worrying about repercussions. Politicians, religious fanatics, and just general busy-bodies that think everyone has to think and act like they do shouldn't be able to make this decision for a woman.

I can’t believe it’s been overturned. 🥺

HipsterPixie12592, its murder it's the leading cause of death in United States