Which of the following is almost always a hereditary disease?
Correct answer: Porphyria

The Last Warrior
my coworker's daughter has been battling this for years. unfortunately it's rare in the black community, so often she goes to get medical attention and physicians, specialists are at a loss on how to treat it b/c it has so many side effects . it has had a mental effect on her daughter, causes lapses in judgement, sometimes delusional, and it really breaks her down physically and emotionally. there are many cures for illnesses but cures mean big business does not make money on Ill patients. sad

Player Say what!?
Wow. There but for the grace of God, go I. What a horrific disease.

Player #32567393
The Last Warrior,
So true. Psychiatry is getting everyone hooked on antidepressants & lying about them being non addictive. Money is the reason for this LIE. 😡

Keoki Kai Kane
mitch, sociological mislabeling. misdiagnosis? The human brain is an incredible processor that is capable of doing amazing things. Sometimes it is difficult to distinguish between organic and inorganic etiology , especially of historical figures/people.

Was one theory mooted for the 'madness' of King George III due to blue urine but now it is more accepted that the symptom was probably due to a medication and the real problem was bipolar.

My cousin had it. Had to be very careful about anesthesia if she needed surgery.

Player #25660210
Player #9398981, l usually use deductions when not sure of my answer. It usually works.

I got it right by elimination, it worked!!