Which actor is depicted in the photo?
Correct answer: John Malkovich

great actor

Being John Malkovich is an especially excellent film. Different characters inhabit John Malkovich's body for a day. The premise was great and John got to be many different people.

Player #9442102
Player Cosmo Chic, nobody seems to mention Reds but I loved them!

One of his best roles was as Lenny in ‘of Mice and Men’ With Gary Sinise as George. Both were beautiful performances.

Byrde Alpha Bitch
Loved him in Mary Reilly (1996) Brilliant performance. I find it interesting that he never watches the movies he is in as per his own words stated on the Graham Norton show 2020.

He was awesome in the movie "Of Mice and Men"

Player #18169147
Loved him in rounders

Loved him in "The man in the iron mask"

Player #16293970
he is one of my favorite actors

Love ❤️ him in Red an Red 2

ReproachfulResort3, I’m watching him currently in Son of a Critch. It’s hilarious. He plays the grumpy grandpa. A series.

Loved him in Red. "I'm getting the pig"

Player #31730016
He was fantastic in Empire of the Sun!!!

i believe he was in Transformers Dark Side of the Moon!

He's one weird dude

Player #60298071
Dangerous Liaisons was one of his finest works. Glenn Close was also awesome in this film.

He did an amazing job as the mentally disabled character Lennie in Of Mice and Men.

Player #19297401
At his very best as a down on his luck B-Grade horse trainer stepping into train what would become The Greatest World Champion 3 yr. old horse (Secretariat) that will ever live. Secretariat was a Phenom that cant be matched in Greatness.
Here are just a few of his records set in 1973 which still stand today & most will still be standing when everyone that reads this comment are dead, gone & forgotten!!!
When he won the Triple Crown It had been well over 40 yrs. since a horse had won it !
In the Kentucky Derby , Secretariat was the 1st to finish the race in under 2 minutes ! ( Since he did that in 1973, only 1 other horse has broke the under 2 minute mark cut fell short of Secretariat’s record run) !
In the last race for the coveted Triple Crown trophy , he won by an unreachable 31 links !
After his retirement he aired over 600 goals ( none have ever came close to doing what their Father did & no other horse in the world from any bloodline has either & never will !! T.H.

a very talented actor.

Player #14160704
Empire of the Sun was one of my favorites.

Player #10348520, loved that movie!

Lolita413, you talking to my guy all wrong

Christopher Walken?

Malkovich Malkovich Malkovich!

Player #14260347
He's the villain in Johnny English. Love that flick. "You are now entering the most secure area in all of England...". KABOOM.

Player #14706931
Player Cosmo Chic, can I get the pig now lol

In The Line Of Fire.

Hated his character in Deep Water Risin.g.

Player #3508501
Max Gail was in Barney Miller.