What is a technique of joining tissues of plants for their further growth together called?
Correct answer: Grafting
the outcome came be interesting
It's not so hard if you are patient and careful.
I've always dreamed of having a citrus tree. Oranges, lemons, and grapefruit.
All on one tree.
Player-T G 3503313
I have a friend who is experimenting with grafting hops and to marijuana and vice a versa. The results are interesting.
Red You could do that, it’s not as hard as it may seem.
Sheriffe, that's awesome! I love this!
My grandfather was an expert and grafted many trees around the neighbourhood. We had a tree with nectarine and peach (white and yellow) ,an apple with 5 different varieties, a fig with 3 different types, a mulberry with black and white fruits and a plum tree with 3 different types. He would use his really sharp pen knife, sterilised by holding the blade over a couple of matches and bind the graft with thin strip's of muslin which my Grandmother had boiled and dried. The graft would then be covered by a paper pie bag (more waterproof than normal bag) for a couple of days only to allow it to take without the graft getting wet.
jblum315, I have been grafting plants for years!! It is easy!!