What condition is Electroconvulsive Therapy (ECT) generally used for?
Correct answer: Mental health disorders

Player #5621402
Not convinced this treatment can really be effective.

Player Elf Counsel
Player #5621402, My aunt had it in the fifties for a nervous breakdown and it was terrible. Really messed with her head.
📸 FlashPony714
two words. Francis Farmer

I know 2 persons suffering from severe depression for whom the treatment is literally a life saver. They do not respond well to drugs and both insist on ECT to alleviate strong suicidal urges. They are both aware that it might cause some lasting damage to memory or cognition but as one of them said " The alternative is worse! "

Player #13mermaid17
UnopposedYogi27101, abdolutely, just reminds me of Jack Nickhosen, and,One Flew Over the CooCoo's Nest.Great film of its time. but terriable what they did. And What about Nurse Rachett???

kelloggs 4791
as a paranoid schizophrenic, I've had 50 rounds of ECT and it did help for about 6 months. I'm one of the 50% of people who relapsed within 12 months.

📸 FlashPony714, Her book about her mental health treatment was horrendous! We need better mental health treatments in the USA!

Globular Martian
Surely this kind of therapy should be classed as medieval by now?

little b
i dont have metal health disorders

Player #5621402, if you watch the documentary on psychological treatment, it’s barbaric. Doctors and psy. Hospitals make alot of money for electric shock prescribing.
Many patients die.

It's quite barbaric

Player #5621402, ha 1938 usa. with this method a person can only get more of mental disorder

qualified it's it..?

Tina's twin
Anni, it's not typical. hence it's use for "treatment resistant" disorders. over time it's become more humane than when originally practiced. I think I'd rather have ect than a lobotomy

I truly hope that this antiquated treatment is no longer used-not proved to work or even help anyone!

Player Elf Counsel, mine too

Cher67, I believe the dose is much lower now as well

* Seshati *
UnopposedYogi27101, great book

It's not a first line treatment. However, patients who don't do well with other treatments can benefit from ECT. It's not accurate to compare ECT now with the past. ECT is now performed under general anesthesia, with fewer side effects.

My father received shock therapy in the mid-sixties. It helped him.