What is the use of resistance exercise to develop musculature for aesthetic purposes called?
Correct answer: Bodybuilding

Vbbbbhbhgh U Gfytrwe
millwallmarty, 🤣 and women body builders become more masculine - flat chested deep voice etc

Although it's not for me, I can appreciate the dedication & work that goes into creating the physique bodybuilders are trying to achieve. Those folks are trying for a certain look; and if it makes them happy, I'm all for it. I certainly don't see any harm as long as some sort of artificial process doesn't cause any damage.

* Seshati *
Arohanui, different strokes for different folks .. not appealing to me but if it makes one happy & their not harming anyone in the process I don’t see a problem with it.

Tara Tippy.
The best thing for ADHD working out literally saved my life 💪🏽

Player #27042861
Powerlifting is part of bodybuilding!

sometimes I look like that in my mirror😂

* Seshati *
millwallmarty, yeh true but that’s only if steroids are used in the body building routine.