When did Adolf Hitler die?
Correct answer: April 30, 1945
He didn't die soon enough was the answer to this question.
Player #K
Shows how far racism can go
Player #96919
luckycatfay, he hated the Jews but ironically unknowingly married one
Grumpy Fossil, Hitler thought he was was a genius but disregarded good advice from his experienced generals? That sounds like a certain infamous American leader.
Tremain White
There were plenty of others and plenty still to come, associated with wanton destruction, ruination and all that holds humanity's progress back.
He sounded and acted like trump to me, eerie
Mischevious Mike
One very mixed up family!!!
His paternal grandfather was also Jewish
Player #96919, she was Catholic!
Player #3653455, You are mistaken: it is both...and the only one.
Sailor Blue
Centenarian, And I don't.
Player #sherjoy
Player #8583667, How offensive can you be!
Numberwang, almost chose July 1945 but changes To April 1945 and got it right!!