Where does singer 'Justin Bieber' come from?
Correct answer: Canada

Being from Canada. I think I can speak for most. Not to proud of this fake brat.

Player #96919
Mulldog2017, overrated and spoilt

One of my favorite memes is a pic of Bieber with the quote "God sent me to earth to make music." Under that is a pic of Rush with the legend, "No we didn't. " 😂

why is his name in inverted commas? is it a pseudonym for just a bottom-feeder...?

We're sorry!

Justin had a tough time coming up as a young teen. So many predators and he didn’t know who to trust. He’s exceptionally talented so please, cut him a break everybody.

I'm not a fan but you are just being kinda mean. Don't forget he was originally marketed for teens and preteens.

I think he has grown up a lot in the last few years. He became famous and wealthy as a child. It is time to give him a break!