Which breed of dog is this?
Correct answer: King Charles Spaniel
Player #10716815
This answer is incorrect! this is a Cavalier King Charles Spaniel a King Charles Spaniel is a different breed
I like dog questions...sports, not so much. 😊
This is a Cavalier king Charles, different breed to the King Charles.
my Auntie Rita had one
calicot, Lady was a Cocker Spaniel. Tramp was a mixed breed.
Player #49986886
Player #10716815, That's what I thought! Thanks for confirming
Niya Benoy
Soo cute ❤️
So adorable!♥️
I never heard of this breed, but knew it wasn't any of the other answer choices. If this game were not multiple choice, don't think I'd be very good at it. Not that I'm any great shakes as it is.
Why am I getting questions about dogs ( 3) when tapping a sport category ?.
Player #96919
Player #1147652, woof, woof. It sure looks like it
Player #1147652, I know at least I know my dogs more than can be said for the sport questions.